Monday, August 30, 2010

This poem fits the tune of "The Old Rugged Cross" and hopefully helps others see a testimony of a dear brother who is going through cancer treatments right now As you read this, remember Ron in prayer that God will continue to strengthen him daily. For the crown is there for those who take up the cross for the Lord. God bless you, Ron and your dear family. Dave

Yes he still gives a cross
And He still gives a crown
To the faithful that follow their King
And we hold it up high
Til we meet in the sky
And with angels forever we’ll sing

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross
That my Lord has given me for my own
I will faithfully live for the Lord
Til we meet our loved ones ‘round the throne

Though the cross may be hard
And the load may be vast
And the way may be rugged and long
He will still see us through
Untold blessings on you
And He still gives His servants a song

And I’ll lift up that old rugged cross
For though time and our trials will pass
We will faithfully serve through all time
Till we gather in heaven at last

David Brunner 2010


Blogger appbrasil said...

Thank you for sharing this. It was an encouragement to me. I have been going through a hard time this past week as I've started living, for the first time, in an environment where I am not constantly surrounded by strong Christians. It has helped me to start understanding better how to be a Christian involves taking up your cross and following Christ. It is not natural, in fact it is opposite of everything that the world does. In spite of the difficulty, God is there to see me through and I will receive a reward if I remain faithful to carrying the cross he has given me.
-Amy Penner

8:08 PM  

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