Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What does a minister do?

This past week, I was asked, What does a minister do ... Is he like a Bishop...?
I was asked this question while I was cleaning the restrooms and vaccuuming hallways at the local elementary one day. People can see missionaries, pastor-missionaries, and evangelists, etc., in the everyday activites, but not see what we do. Another person, the same day, was pleased that I spoke to him while we working together. As his wife told me about this sharing, she told how she said that I was a minister and that was why I acted as I had. I am glad that I was able to establish a friendship that day that may not have ever taken place. But then again, as a believer, what do you do? What do I do on a regular basis. Whether working, going to church, or out sharing the gospel, are we regularly making an impact in the world around us. Here, we were sharing in our local nursing home. We were sharing the story of Easter using flannel graph.


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