Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pioneer Bible Camp, 2007

The Bible is the most important and central part of camp. The teaching, the Bible memory verses, the devotions at night, the time with the counselor (especially one-on-one time), ... everything ... is based on God's Holy Word, the Bible and our relationship to the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ. Here, John Romanosky is telling boys and girls that they must have "Jesus first and yourself last and others in-between."

Pioneer Bible Camp, 2007

An added attraction at camp this year was a water slide that provided much fun for an afternoon. Boys and girls were able to cool off and enjoy this special part of camp.

VBS, 2007 King of the Jungle

"Who's the King 0f the Jungle
Who's the King of the Sea
Who's the King of the Universe ... and
Who's the King of me
His name is J-E-S-U-S ..."
This was our theme and we were able to share Jesus with many boys and girls.
Pray that others will come to know the Lord Jesus because of VBS this summer.